Saturday 21 December 2019

Moon Walk

We had to write a poem as if we were taking first steps on the moon here is mine

Thursday 19 December 2019


For the Summer learning Journey, we had to write about a good cause. Here is mine


Tuesday 10 December 2019

SLJ Words

SLJ Great full

We have been looking at what we are great full for. We had to make a video. Here is mine.

Monday 9 December 2019

SLJ Day 3 Positive Impact

For the SLJ Day 3 one of the activities was to tell people on your blog about someone who has made a positive impact in your life. Here is my post.

The person who has made a positive impact in my life is Chido.
Chido is always helping me. Chido makes me feel good about my self, she is always there to talk to. Chido is always so kind and polite. That is why she has made a positive impact to my life.

Summer Learning Journey Day 3 The Water Project

One of the activity for the Summer Learning Journey was to find out about the water project. We had to write about what they do. Here is mine.

Friday 6 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey

For the Summer Learning Journey, Day two teaser week activity one. We had to make three similes  and present it nicely. Here is mine.

Thursday 5 December 2019


Lorde is a famous singer. For the Summer Learning Journey Teaser Week activity one is to make a poster about Lorde. Here is mine.

Wanting To Be Free

We have been working on descriptive writing. We could choose a picture and write about it. Here is a link to mine.


Klaus Activities

In class we have been doing some Klaus activities because we have watched the movie Klaus. For this activity we was to explain why we thought the people from the village wanted to help Klaus.
Here is  a link to my answer.


We have been doing some activities around the Netflix Movie Klaus. One of those was to explain why we think Klaus needed to use reindeer instead of the horse. We also had to find ten facts about reindeer. We could buddy up and I worked with Zoe.

Thursday 28 November 2019


we are learning about money here is a video about money

Friday 1 November 2019

A Busy Three Weeks

This term only three weeks in we have done so many awesome activities.

 In week one we started swimming. On Friday we had pets day, were we did a project about our pet and you could bring your pets in. There was workshops judging and lots of pets. We also got back into Boxing from last term we are lucky enough to have Muzz and Rachel come in from Reefton to teach us how to box. They come in every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays to do the lessons it is good to learn how to Box .

 In week two on Friday it was grandparents day this was were we had heaps of grandparents come in and we did lots of old school games and activities. Also we started to get into our giving back topic were we give back to our community.

 In week three some people went on a trip to Paroa school and made a bike track on Wednesday this relates to our topic about giving back.On Thursday we had Athletics we did high jump, long jump, long distance race, sprints, shot put,and discus. I got third place in high jump. On Thursday night we also had a Halloween disco. It was really fun there was a creepy maze, a air guitar competition and lots of stuff for sale. Plus lots of other creepy stuff. I was a Head banging Zombie. It was really spooky and every ones costumes looked great. 

Friday 27 September 2019

Kelly Milner Halls

for the winter reading challenge we had to make a poster about an author here is mine

Thursday 19 September 2019

Little Blue Penguins Report

A couple of weeks ago we had Lucy from the penguin trust come in and talk to us about little blue penguins. after we had to make a report on Little Blue Penguins here is mine.

Little Blue Penguins
By Amelia

Did you know that little blue penguins  cover themselves in oil that comes out of their rear end to make their feathers waterproof! If you want to learn more interesting stuff  about little blue penguin like , why they are endangered, how you can help them and all the cool features they have. If you want to learn all this stuff then read on.

There are many reasons why little blue penguins are endangered most of them because of human destruction.These are some of the reasons little blue penguins are endangered the first one is because of humans destroying their home.  People are dropping rubbish everywhere rubbish is getting in our oceans and in the fish it is making little blue penguins sick and injured. Secondly people are walking on the sand dunes and stomping on their burrows which means that they have to make new ones and they are more visible to danger. And probably the biggest problem right now is dogs. People are letting them loose on and around our beaches it doesn't matter if a dog is trying to kill or just play with little blue penguins the outcome is the same death. Those are just some of the reasons little blue penguins are disappearing quickly.

Secondly little blue penguins need our help to survive. Here are some things you can do to help our little friends. First NZ need to stop littering don’t drop rubbish put it in the bin. If you find rubbish pick it up, you never know you might be saving a life of a little blue penguin and even other animals if you just pick up some rubbish. Secondly keep behind fences at the beach and do not let your dog or yourself walk on the sand dunes and most importantly do not let your dogs run loose when you are at the beach or if you are around the beach, especially at night or early in the morning. try to tell as many people as you can about these rules and NZ will have many more little blue penguins and other wildlife.

Now let’s get into the good stuff, you will be amazed at how many amazing features little blue penguins have here are some of the amazing features. little blue penguins have a layer of blubber to keep them warm then they have down feathers if these get wet they will sink. They cover themselves in oil that comes out of there rear end to make them waterproof. Little blue penguins can sneze out salt out of there nose.  Little blue penguins lose all their feathers at once. Little blue penguins have built in googles.

Hopefully you have learnt some things about little blue penguins why they are endangered, how you can help them and all the cool features they have. Please remember don’t let your dogs run wild along the beach we all need to work together help save this amazing little creature.

Wednesday 21 August 2019


In our maths group we have been learning about division here is  a video I did with Tane about

Wednesday 7 August 2019

The Twits

One of our task's for literacy bingo this week was to do a book review on the twits by Roald Dahl. Here is my book review

Wednesday 12 June 2019


Today it is the fun run and we get to were our onsie.I think my onsie will make me run fast because it has snow leopard patterns on it.I am wearing my only onsie I have that my Nana brought me. I like the idea of having a onsie day because you don't have to get dressed. Here is me in my onsie.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Little Red

For our school production we are doing fairy tales we have also based our writing on fairy tales we had to make a fractured fairy tale on Little Red here is my fractured fairy tale

Thursday 6 June 2019


Yesterday we had a visit from ELGregoe.  He came to talk to us about bullying. He also did some magic tricks for us. Here are some photos.

yesterday we were had a visit from ELGegoe  he came to talk to us about bullying he also did some majic tricks for us here are some photos

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Bike Saftey

 This week  is bike safety week today we had to  make a screencastify of a W check here is my groups screencastify.

Monday 6 May 2019

Bike Saftey

This week is wheels week today we learnt about helmet safety we had to do a presentation  on helmet safety here is a screencastify of helmet safety.

Friday 3 May 2019


For Funday Friday we were given the task to build a bridge that would be strong enough  to hold different objects.  We are doing this because we have been looking at the  book The Mines Afire and it discussed how important the bridge was for people getting to work in the mine and for getting the coal back across the river.  Here is the bridge I created with Mackley.

Sunday 14 April 2019

Reading challendge

This Autumn school holidays we had to make a google drawing ofa book you have been reading we had to include these things

the title of the book, written correctly.
the author of the book, written correctly
A brief description of what the book is about.
I have used descriptive language to help engage the reader.
Included an illustration
I have posted it to my blog her is mine

Friday 22 March 2019


Today we had two bunny's Ron and Nevel that came in today. We had to create a toy for the rabbits this is what my group made.

Wednesday 20 February 2019

What is room 2 favourite animals

In room 5 we have been learning about graphing. We had to go into room two, room one, or room six and ask them what there favourite animal is,  we recorded the data with a telly chart. Then we made a graph on our  chrome book here is my pie graph.

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Kawa Of Care

We had to do a  google drawing of super heros saying three cyber smart things here is my drawing.

Saturday 26 January 2019

Which Season Is Best To Come To NZ

Our task was to say what season you think is best to come to NZ. Here is my  slide show. 

Friday 11 January 2019

Taupo cycle challenge

for this activity we had to chose three people for a support crew if  we were doing the   Taupo cycle challenge  here is my post.

Monday 7 January 2019

My Favourtite Summer Activitys

WE had to post a picture of ourselves doing our favourite summer activity with captions.Here is my post.


This activity was to watch a video of what WWF is doing to help endangered animals. Then you had to say what Type of animal they were helping, what they were doing to help it and if they had success or not.Here is my post.

Saturday 5 January 2019

Skinks / DOC Rangers

Activity 2  for day 3 was to  list three good things and three bad things about working as a DOC ranger. At the bottom of your post, tell us whether you would like to be a DOC Ranger or not. Here is my post.