Saturday, 5 January 2019

Skinks / DOC Rangers

Activity 2  for day 3 was to  list three good things and three bad things about working as a DOC ranger. At the bottom of your post, tell us whether you would like to be a DOC Ranger or not. Here is my post.


  1. Hello Amelia,

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!

    You have done a fantastic job on this activity! You have thought well about the pros and cons of working as a Department of Conservation (DOC) ranger, I'm impressed! I'm happy to hear that you would like to work at the Department of Conservation. We need more helpful, motivated and supportive individuals like yourself to make our country and the world a better place for us and the animals! I love that you mentioned the fact that you will be able to form relationships with the animals, it's really something special, isn't it? I wonder, what is your favourite animal or which animal would you really like to see? My favourite animal is the elephant and I'm lucky to say that I've seen a few in real life before!

    Evelyn :)

    1. Hi, I like Elephants two, I also like Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, all animals really thankyou for your nice comment I would like to see some deer or any baby animals.from Amelia

    2. Hi Amelia,

      I totally agree with you, dogs, cats and rabbits are all so cute and nice to cuddle with! I think going to see some deer would be a wonderful experience, that's a good choice of an animal to go see!

      Keep up the good work,
      Evelyn :)


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