Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Descriptive Calf Writing

In room 5 we are learning to describe, we had to describe some Jersey calves. We would be successful when we have used the senses: see, hear, feel, touch, smell, used present tense, written a short introduction to introduce the description, and an ending, used a variety of precise, vivid adjectives, verbs and nouns used a variety of sentences - different beginnings, structures and lengths organised my writing into paragraphs. Here is my writing.

As I approach the wide grassy paddock, the milky brown  Jersey calves are staring at me. I am wondering if they want me to go in to see them or not. I make a decision, and creep into the paddock where the calves are staring at me like crazy. Suddenly there is a loud mroo! from one of the calves and I get a massive fright. As I recover I have a look at the calves, and I see that one on the left has a patch of white on its side. Another at the back is making an extremely funny face. It has its head pointing at the sky and I start to laugh.
Slowly the calves begin to move then they start to play around me. I think they realise I am not going to hurt them. They start sprinting around me like they want me to play, so I start to sprint around with them. I play with them for awhile until they start to get tired.
 Then the horrible smell of calf milk  sprints up my nose. Yuck! It reminds me what I came here to do. I pour a generous amount of warm calf milk into the trough. The calves immediately rush over and start slurping down the milk. Wow! Those calves must have been hungry.
I reach over and stroke one of the calves soft smooth fur as it is drinking.The raging sun is beating against my back so I stroll over to the branches of a big oak tree for shade. As I watch the calves run around and play the faint sound of tractor motors running fill my ears. I cannot wait to come back tomorrow and feed these cute Jersey calves.


  1. Hi Amelia
    It's Mia here,and thank you very much for your lovely comment and I will try to improve my work next time. As for your writing it is very inspiring to me,and I might use some of your descriptive language in my writing.Great job:)

    Kind regards Mia

  2. Amelia, I think you've done a really great job at describing your experiences with your calves, I felt like I was right there and could smell and feel all the sensations that you told us about, well done Amelia. I really look forward to reading more of your writing, I think you have a real talent for writing and hope you do lots of it and enjoy doing it too!


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