Friday, 9 November 2018

Reading Profile

In room 5 we had to make a reading profile. On our reading profile we had to include how we went with our term 3 reading goals, our reading goals for this term, our favourite author or series  and are they the same as last term or not, a book we have read and enjoyed and  a book someone has recommended to me. Here is my reading profile


  1. Hi there, my name is Leanah and I am a student in Room Manukau at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like how you show your reading profile. I can see that in your reading profile you are showing your goals. It made me think of doing my own but a different one. Have you thought about writing a little more? If you would like to see my learning, my blog it is:

    1. Hi Leanah, for our reading profile we could only put our reading goals,how we went with our term 3 reading goals,our favourite author or series our they the same as last term or not,a book some one recommended to me and a book I have read and enjoyed.


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