Friday 29 June 2018

Another Time, Another Place

in class we looked at a picture of some people on a cart with a castle in the distance from the mysteries of Harris Burdick, Another Place, Another Time. We had to make up a story about what happened and we had to include a problem.Here is my writing.
Another Place, Another Time
It was a misty and cloudy morning of an autumn day with a drizzle of rain, and the smell of fresh grass covered the landscape. 
Tom, James, Tim and Amy were riding along a railroad on  a rocky foundation in the sea on their small cart that was controlled by sails. The cart went clickity clack, clickity clack as it rode along the railroad. 
Tim, Tom, Amy and James were looking forward to going for a visit to the Queen’s magnificent castle in the hills across the sea. But when the the wind started to drop they start going slower and slower until they eventually stopped. It was getting dark and cold,  but Amy their mother had luckily come with warm blankets and some food.
They decided to sleep out in the open, so they walked to a clearing at the side of the track. Then James the father of the boys lit a fire and they settled down to eat.
The next morning it was windy so they hopped back onto the cart, and the cart flew towards the Queen’s castle as the sail bent back in the wind.
When they finally arrived at the Queen’s castle,  the Queen gave them some delicious  coffee and steaming  hot chocolate.
After they had warmed up they went to  join the party. They had a terrific time.

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